When last we heard from the recently-50 year old knitter, she was about to embark on a journey to Cape Cod. Never having been to "The Cape", she was eagerly anticipating a relaxing week of sun and sand.
Here we see her celebrating two of Massachusett's treasures: Beer and Red Sox.
Lest you think the vacation was all frivolity, witness this hidden benefit of old age:
Who knew it was the 50 year anniversary of the replica of the Mayflower? And who knew us old folk would get in free! (Not that I saved a ton, just enough for a Sam after the tour, but hey ...)*
I saw Pilgrims:
I must say, it's not so bad being 50 after all.
As this is a knitting blog, here's what I've been working on:It's this pattern:
(sorry, forgot to turn it around!) I bought it at Adirondack Yarns in Lake Placid this February. It has cool green glass square buttons and is knitting up fairly quickly on size 11s. Believe me, I need instant gratification -- it's been so hot here, and for every day of vacation, it seems like TWO days of work piled up on my desk. I'm just now surfacing.
* Plimouth (yes it has an "i" not a "y" -- again, who knew????) is staffed by actors and actresses who stay in character if you talk to them. I asked, of course, about knitting and they told me -- gasp -- that knitting was for the lower classes, the poor and orphans! That they sent for their stockings from London, and they were too busy doing more important things than knit. How's that for Pilgrim's Progress?