And ... I finished it! The Hourglass from "Last Minute Knitted Gifts." It's knit in Katmandhu Aran, a lovely willow green (the color seems to have washed away in the photo) with flecks of brown and blue. Size 7 needles, and I altered the pattern two ways: Seed stitch cuffs and edges, and I made the sleeves narrower to start off, as I am rather thin of wrist. Not hips. Let's not go there ...

So the question is: To block or not to block? It fits perfectly now, and the yarn is soft and nubbly. Do I block just to see what difference it makes? Or wait until I wash it for the first time?
Here's a close up of the neck:

And, here's another Fiber Fest find: I'm making the Swallowtail Shawl from this Fall's IK in a violet alpaca fingering weight. I love it -- so soft, and the color cheers me right out of my menopausal blues. I've joined the KAL, but have yet to figure out how to put the button on this blog.

So that's all the knitting news for now; back to the legal grit and grind.
I'm glad you're feeling better even if you did have to make your own toast.
I vote for no blocking and for a picture of it modeled.
Re: one older and one younger sibling. Aren't they always one older and one younger when there are two siblings? Even with twins, one is born first. Just sayin'
Yipe! You're right -- especially with twins (my brothers are twins and the 6 minute older one never let's the other one forget it). Mea culpa; mea brain freeze.
The yarn you bought at the festival is beautiful!! The hourglass sweater is terrific, I like that pattern.
Your hourglass is gorgeous! And yeah, we want a picture of it modeled. :-D
And yes, you NEED a ball winder & swift. Check the sale boards, someone's almost always got a 50% off JoAnne's coupon up there, and truly, it makes it SO worth it!
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