So last night, as I was rummaging for yarn to knit a charity hat, I saw the scarf. Hmmmm, I thought. What if I sewed the ends together, picked up stitches and made it into a hat? So I did!

It's even cute on, warm as the Sabres' dressing room, and will be donated to our Bar Association's charity drive for Xmas -- hats, scarves, etc. for patients at the VA Hospital (men and women).
I had a good day yesterday -- actually took the afternoon off, got a haircut, spent some time with TwinA. Who is studying and working waaay too hard and needs to eat more and take care of herself (are you listening, Andy?) 2 more weeks until the quarter ends, then hopefully some down time with Mom at home.
Here are the flowers the camoflague hat cause

Lovely, eh? (forgive me, I grew up essentially across the street from our friendly neighbors to the north -- Canada)

Now, I didn't notice until I took the photo, what the card actually says: Love, Como Man.
As in Perry Como? I thought he was dead!
It reminds me of a few summers ago when my oldest wanted to invite her friends to a vegetarian cook-out -- grilled veggies, salads ... We went to the local supermarket for a cake, and she told the bakery clerk to write "Meat is Murder" on it. I know, a little extreme, but funny.
Funnier still was what was on the cake when we picked it up. Of course, this was a weekend, and the bakery was staffed by a guy in his early 20's who appeared ok, but was in reality a few yards short of a skein. The cake read: "Meats is Murder". Meats!!! It's now become part of the family laughography!
So back to the title of this post -- it's not a mistake, but when they do happen, they can be damned funny.
over and out ...
That hat came out pretty! Mistake, my eye.
Meats is Murder? Yikes. The spelling, not the sentiment.
LOL!! You sure know how to turn those lemons into lemonaid!! :)
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