I love this yarn. This discontinued yarn. When my local LYS went out of business, I bought as much as I could afford. It's soft, non-pilling, and works up great for shawls and sweaters.
So I occasionally cruise ebay to see if there is any available and .... lo and behold ... a seller had 10 green skeins which I snagged for $35!
Plans are for a cardigan -- kelly green is TwinB's favorite color.
Here's a close-up:

It'd be great for St. Patrick's Day, but unless I give up sleep ... there's no way it will be finished.
But one sock is done! I finished this yesterday, in between sneezing fits. Stayed in my jammies all day, slugged down NyQuill, and feel marginally better today. And thanks to all those well-wishers who recommended soup ... and rum! I can deal with sore throat and cough, but that woozy feeling in your head is something else. So it's back at the desk today, with cups of tea loaded with honey and lemon, wishing I could add some rum!

This, by the way, is from Knitpicks Memories -- handpainted merino -- which works up extra soft. It's for one of my friends who insists she can't wear wool socks. I've been knitting it at lunch, telling her it's for me and she's been oohing and ahhing over the feel of the yarn. I'll show her!
Sock#2 has been started ... I've learned to cast on right away or the project sits and sits.
Who says old lawyers can't learn new tricks!
I like that colorway for the sock -- is it washable?
The green is gorgeous, too.
I was really happy to see the sock - I have the same yarn and now I get a preview of the delight waiting for me.
Great bargain on the gree yarn!
Grats on the bargain yarn, I love green yarn! On the recommendations for your cough and sore throat -- my papa used to make his own cough syrup out of whiskey and a giant peppermint stick. One tablespoon of that would definitely cure you!
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