Mind you, I never quite got the metric system. They tried in junior high school (which shows how old I am – now it’s middle sc

And I got this neat yarn at Michael’s.

I usually don’t knit with anything acrylic, but this is Lion Brand Microspun, and it was only $3.99 skein, and I needed only 4. And the color is terrific! They call it mango, but I say it's coral.
Swatching has already begun.
The Rhode Island trip was wonderful. Liz’s apartment was nice (cleaner than mine would have been at age 21 – just ask my older sister!), we went to the beach, the RISD art museum, shopping, and to the movies. The highlight was watching Lizzie put away all of my Aunt Louise’s kitchenware, including her old, dented canister set.

I have many memories of good times and great food in auntie’s kitchen, and it makes me feel good to know that the tradition will continue.
Of course, I found a yarn store. In addition to sock yarn (unphotographed as of yet), I bought a bag! Ten bucks!

Which leads me to, bags in general. Am I the only knitter with a bag obsession? Maybe it’s not just a knitterly trait, either. I have briefcases. Brief-bags. Messenger bags. Tote bags. I just can’t resist buying new bags, even used-new bags at thrift stores. I counted. Big mistake. Including the obligatory lawyer-briefcases, and one trial case, I have a grand total of NINETEEN BAGS. Not purses, mind you (or pocketbooks as my Grandmother would call them). No, 19 bags – canvas, tapestry, cotton, leather, straw … you name it, I have it. And I always buy more. Of course, it makes it easier to hide UFOs in – they don’t stare at you like when they’re lurking on the couch, in baskets, or next to the bed. I can’t hear their guilt-inducing whines , “Finish me! No, me first, not the shawl. Not the sweater. Me me me!” when they’re pushed down into their canvas prisons. Oh, did I mention the “bag within a bag” syndrome? Little bags – with zippers, with drawstrings. You know, for socks in progress, needles, odds and ends. Those don’t count in the final tally.
When I die, bag me.
You're the Imelda Marcos of bags!
I have 1 briefcase. 1 purse. 1 knitting bag. 1 Booga bag.
That's it!
Y'know, my mom's the same way, and she doesn't even knit! Her friends laughingly refer to her as "the bag lady". ;)
I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm picking up those tendencies as well...
I don't know....I do think that knitting and bags go together but 19 sounds kind of small time to me. ; ) I counted 32 KNITTING bags on this floor of the house alone, I own at least 4 different briefcases ...the newest being a nifty little number with wheels --a post-back surgery treat. And, while I'm actually not a huge fan of the purse (preferring a tote style bag), I have a few of those also.
My mother, sister and I are convinced that the "bag lady" gene runs in our family....on both sides. My father's sister has an amazing collection....
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