So why do I do it? The same reason I climb mountains in the winter. When I'm trying to make it to the top of one of the Adirondack peaks in, say, mid-January, all I am thinking of for six hours is where to put my feet, and trying not to fall. One foot in front of the other. And when I'm done, hair plastered to my head, legs and feet aching, dying for a Sam Adams draft, I really feel like I've accomplished something. And ... I'm relaxed! One day of mountain hiking is like three days away.
Knitting lace is kind of like that. All I can do is follow the pattern, count, sometimes say it out loud, and I absolutely can't multi-task. No phone calls, no t.v., no chatting. It's a nice breather. I don't know if it's the job, our culture or my personality, but I'm always trying to do at least two things at once. Eat breakfast, read the paper. Talk on the phone, cruise the internet. Talk on the phone, drive. It doesn't seem that there's enough hours in the day to get everything done, but maybe it's just that I expect too much of myself (okay, and my clients and the courts) and keep taking on more and more.
So lace is slower. Prettier. And maybe some of that philosophy will rub off each time I wear the shawl.
My, I'm philosophical!
In the meantime, here's the Koigu sock in progress. I do love this yarn; Jessica was right! I like the "twistyness" of the ply, and the colors are fantastic. Lizzie wanted ankle socks, but I bought two skeins anyway, so there might be enough for me to have a pair too!
Well it's off to my Sunday knitting clan --- and I won't be bringing the lace!
Twigfucious say: Dropping stitch in lace substitute for Chinese Water Torture
I'm so with you on this. The ability and time to focus on just one thing can be very Zen.
Glad you are enjoying the koigu. Very happy colors you have there! :)
Yes I agree. I've only just started lace, but there was total silence and a lot of counting out loud. Glad I'm not the only one.
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