Toots was at the Rochester International Jazz Festival last night at a free outdoor concert. So I figured, I'll go. I'll take the 16 year old son. It will be fun, I think.
Arghhhh! Wall to wall (if you can say that about an outdoor concert) (maybe tree to tree) people. Couldn't move. Couldn't see. And you know what? 25 years ago I wouldn't have cared! Instead, I inched slowly to the edge of the crowd so I could breathe. That, coupled with the mental energy directed my way by the boy (I could feel it like a hot breeze on the back of my neck --"Oh God. I hope my mother doesn't start dancing."), led to the realization that my concert-going days may be over.
Sad day indeed. But..great to see Toots and the Maytals!
*laugh* Poor kid. There's nothing more damaging to ones esteem than if someone sees you at a concert with a dancing mother. You didn't dance did you?
Well, did you? LOL I've never heard of them but MFB has. Maybe you just need a different venue for concert going.
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