The strip, made of cotton twine, is my first project. A bookmark! Never mind the uneven size. Or the gaping holes. No matter that it took over an hour and many curse words (causing even more hilarity among the aunts), or that I kept holding the crochet hook like a knitting needle. I did it! Toilet tissue covers here I come!
On a serious note, I had a good weekend with the "ants", though there will be more medical tests for Louise this week. She goes to Roswell (not New Mexico, but the big cancer hospital in Buffalo) Wednesday to find out if surgery is even possible. I'll be going along, for moral support for her, Aunt Alice and cousin Kris.

And will probably bring the sleeves that go with this -- a cotton cardigan that's waiting to be divided between fronts and back. The is in the current "Creative Knitting" magazine, but I decided to make the trim a darker color, and knit fronts and back together up to the underarms, rather than in pieces. The yarn is called "King Tut" -- don't you love it? -- but comes in hanks that are beastly to wind. Maybe there was a pharoah's curse after all.
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