It's the Geometry Lessons shawlette/wrap from Vogue Knitting Spring. Finally finished it, in Cherry Hill Baby Loop. Hate it. I know blocking will make it more even, but I'm supposed to sew it together at the armholes, making a little "sleeve", and the back is too short, with those tails in front ...

So what do I do? I love the yarn, love the colors

I'd show you some bad photos of me trying it on (with metal binder clips serving as pins under the arms)

I've been toying with adding on, trying to make it into a triangle shape, or a rectangle ... or adding a border ...

If you hate it and you know you hate it. Frog it. Make the yarn you like into something you'll love.
I'm with twig. If you hate it, frog it and use the yarn for something else. It's an odd little pattern, isn't it?
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