What fun I've had! Winding winding winding. This is only half of what I made into those little birthday cakes of yarn. My only regret is that I didn't get a swift and winder before this. No skein will stop me now!
Oh, and the yarn is that wonderful stuff I bought last year in Ireland -- heathery colors, thick -- a little scratchy -- now it only needs to tell me what it wants to be when it grows up!
And the Knitpicks Options? Love 'em. I don't find them to be too heavy at all, unlike Ms. Grumperina. The pointy ends are just right, and the join is smooth. I envision buying more -- maybe the 13 and 15's, and longer cables. I also picked up a pair of size 3 dps for heavier socks, and those are good too, although a tad too long for my comfort. I really prefer shorter sock needles, but have only been able to find them in wood -- the Brittany's, I think.
My biggest dilemma is what to knit first! The yummy alpaca/wool blend I got at the Hemlock Festival, or wrist/handwarmers (it is getting a little cool on my morning walks), maybe a hat ...
I know it's a cliche, but ... so much yarn, so little time. EXCEPT ....
NHL Season starts on Wednesday!!!! Hurray!! And my Sabres are looking good. Well, if you totally ignore the new "third jersey". What a crock! What a marketing ploy! What an ugly Buffalo! You can check it out at www.sabres.com, but be prepared. At first I thought it was one of the Pittsburg jerseys -- dark blue almost black, yellowy-orange. What happened to going back to the traditional royal blue and orange. And, more importantly, where are the crossed sabres? On the shoulder? Give me a break. Actually, give me a cross-check.
Anyway, 83 games in the regular season. 83 evenings on the couch, knitting away. Drop that puck!
About the jerseys -- well they *are* the Sabres, what do you expect? *snicker*
I'm really looking forward to all the knitting time during the season.
Lovely cakes of yarn! Can't speak about the hockey stuff.
The winder and swift are my favorite knitting toy!
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