Monday, December 04, 2006

She's down for the count ...

brought to her knees by a virus. Or something disgusting that is making me dizzy,my head ache and my stomach roil. I don't even feel up to knitting. It's baaaaaaaaaaaad.

So this post is just a whine for sympathy. I hate microbes.


Anonymous said...

Aw.. sorry you're feeling poorly. Feel better soon. In the meantime, I'll be working my fingers to the bone knitting some silly hat. *laugh* (Adult sized?)

Carrie K said...

Oh no! I missed the plea for sympathy! I feel so bad. I hope you're feeling better! Being sick-sick is a bad thing. One wants to be sick enough so that you can't in good conscience go to work, but not to ill you can't read, knit, etc.